I use essential oils every day at work, at home, and often give them to friends as gifts. Essential oils have amazing healing potential.
I like to tell the story about the wonderfulness of essential oils from Valerie Ann Worwood book, The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy
My version of the story. A French cosmetic chemist in the 1920s was working in his lab and burnt his arm. He put his arm in a vat of lavender oil. The pain in the arm was less and healed quickly without blisters, redness, or scars.
The easy experiment to prove, “what you put on your skin will absorb to travel and affect your whole body”, can be done with a clove of garlic. First have a close friend analyze your breath. Now rub a cut clove of garlic on the bottom of the foot. Do a good job and massage in the oils of the garlic. Wait twenty to thirty minutes and breathe on that same close friend. Friend should smell the garlic on the breath.
Breast Health Oils
I call my blend of essential oils Kim’s Best Breast Blend. I researched what I thought would be the right oils for myself. This oil blend is mentioned in my breast massage booklet available here.
I wanted my blend to have strong healing properties of anti-carcinogen, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, lymph enhancer, skin protection for reduced elasticity (older breast tissue), diuretic to move fluids, blood cleansing, raise immunity, speed healing, reduce scar tissue, reduce pain, mood calming, relaxing and mood lifting. The following twelve essential oils are the ones that fit what I wanted in my oil blend.
Bergamot, Peppermint, Lemongrass, Lavender, Frankincense, Sage,
Geranium, Cypress, Marjoram, Ylang-ylang, Thyme, Rosemary
I put ten drops of each essential oil (120 drops =4ml) in a large bottle and add the apricot oil. The dominant smell is the lemongrass (truly one of the super healers in the bunch. I drink tea with lemongrass everyday. I will tell you the lemongrass tea beats an infection story another time.)
The essential oils that I did not want in my blend are those that add estrogen to the tissue. Estrogen feeds tumors of the breast, uterus, and ovaries. These four essential oils are wrong for breast health; Clary sage, Niaouli, Fennel, and Aniseed.
Muscle Aches
When I massage clients, I ask if they have any allergies and would it be all right to use lavender and peppermint along with the massage oil.
“I promise you wont smell like a flower when you leave.“
Peppermint and lavender are the gentlest of muscle relaxants and work well together to reduce inflammation in the muscles. The power of the nose adds to the topical application. When the nose recognizes the lavender and peppermint smell the brain sends a signal to initiate a relaxation response in the body.
Skin Irritations
Ron Guba, the leader in aromatic medicine in Australia, developed a great ointment for wound healing (skin ulcers, bedsores, rashes, skin irritations of various kinds). My search today still shows that “Guba’s Wound-Healing Cream” is not available for the public. Which I think means the pilot study is still ongoing.
Web site of Ron Guba http://www.essentialtherapeutics.com.au
Mr. Guba ‘s research of essential oil is mentioned in Clinical Aromatherapy, Essential Oils in Practice by Jane Buckle.
Mr. Guba’s story of success with his formula inspired me to create my own version. My version is not exactly the same blend of oils (I have added a few more proven hard working favourites). From my own home studies, I have had wonderful results. I call my version, 10-15-20-balm.
10 drops of each essential oil, 15 essential oils, 20 grams of base ultrabalm(from LUSH)
In a half tin of 45 gram ultrabalm (using only half is approximately 20 grams of ultarblam) add 10 drops each of Lavender, Frankincense, Marjoram, Rosemary, Grapefruit, Thyme, Bergamot, Geranium, Sage, Lemongrass, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, German Chamomile, Myrrh, and Tea tree oil. Blend completely using a stir stick.
Latest use of Homemade 10-15-20 balm in our home was a serious skin irritation from sawdust. G was surprised how quick it feels better and how fast (under two weeks) it heals the skin.
Be Healthy. Stay Healthy. Massage.