This class is for children under 1 year old. Learn full body massage techniques, healthy stretches and first aid massage for colic, digestion, teething, constipation, earache, chest congestion and sinus congestion. Contraindications of when not to massage will be discussed.
We will be working on the floor. Please bring, blanket of towel or yoga mat for your child to lay on fully and for you to be comfortable. Wear comfortable clothes you and child can move in. Bring cloths for cleaning up accidents and a fresh diaper.
We will be using an edible apricot baby massage oil and an infant massage workbook you get to keep.
The June 23 class will be the last date offered until September.
I began teaching infant massage in 2010 and have found that people with babies that are having digestive or pooping problems, colic crying, or just won't sleep will usually call me direct or book an appointment at my clinic. If you already have the happiest baby on the block then coming to a group class will be informative and fun.
Be Healthy, Stay Healthy. Massage.