Fertility Awareness
How many days is your cycle?
Monitor and chart your daily cycle changes. Take your temperature every morning before getting out of bed, before peeing, before moving.
When do you ovulate?
Your temperature will drop in pre-ovulation and the next day the temperature will spike on the day of ovulation and then the temperature will stay up. When your temperature drops again you are no longer fertile. If baby is on board the temperature will remain high for more than 20 days.
Is your cervical mucous allowing fertilization to occur?
Cervical mucous checks should be done after the menses is gone and until ovulation, or the entire cycle, except during menstruation. Sticky mucous is pre-fertile. Spin/egg-white slippery spidery web mucous indicates fertile mucous. Do you have a lack of mucous all together or is it always thick? The right mucous helps support the sperm in a hostile environment.
When actively trying to conceive, sperm should be introduced before ovulation occurs. Life span of sperm is 48 hours and often up to five days. Life span of egg is only 12 to 24 hours.
The dates of ovulation indicated with the Dr. Jonas method of fertility has verified that 85% of pregnancies have taken place during the second cycle of monthly ovulation often referred to as a spontaneous ovulation.
Charting is available at Dr. Jonas Method or a free chart of your moon/lunar phase is also available at astro.com. The red flagged dates of the astro.com chart indicate highly fertile days. When your moon/lunar phase fertility calendar aligns with your natural hormonal ovulation days there is even more of a greater potential for conception.
Fertile health requires a mother and a father that is healthy and strong. Work on cleansing before conception for three months or longer. Every day take a quality prenatal vitamin, drink 2 litres of water, and walk twenty minutes. Practice yoga three times a week. No smoking. No alcohol. No pop. No processed foods. Try not to consume any additives. Eat organic when and where available. Start the day with a breakfast protein smoothie. Get into a balanced, potentially stress free routine.
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How many days is your cycle?
Monitor and chart your daily cycle changes. Take your temperature every morning before getting out of bed, before peeing, before moving.
When do you ovulate?
Your temperature will drop in pre-ovulation and the next day the temperature will spike on the day of ovulation and then the temperature will stay up. When your temperature drops again you are no longer fertile. If baby is on board the temperature will remain high for more than 20 days.
Is your cervical mucous allowing fertilization to occur?
Cervical mucous checks should be done after the menses is gone and until ovulation, or the entire cycle, except during menstruation. Sticky mucous is pre-fertile. Spin/egg-white slippery spidery web mucous indicates fertile mucous. Do you have a lack of mucous all together or is it always thick? The right mucous helps support the sperm in a hostile environment.
When actively trying to conceive, sperm should be introduced before ovulation occurs. Life span of sperm is 48 hours and often up to five days. Life span of egg is only 12 to 24 hours.
The dates of ovulation indicated with the Dr. Jonas method of fertility has verified that 85% of pregnancies have taken place during the second cycle of monthly ovulation often referred to as a spontaneous ovulation.
Charting is available at Dr. Jonas Method or a free chart of your moon/lunar phase is also available at astro.com. The red flagged dates of the astro.com chart indicate highly fertile days. When your moon/lunar phase fertility calendar aligns with your natural hormonal ovulation days there is even more of a greater potential for conception.
Fertile health requires a mother and a father that is healthy and strong. Work on cleansing before conception for three months or longer. Every day take a quality prenatal vitamin, drink 2 litres of water, and walk twenty minutes. Practice yoga three times a week. No smoking. No alcohol. No pop. No processed foods. Try not to consume any additives. Eat organic when and where available. Start the day with a breakfast protein smoothie. Get into a balanced, potentially stress free routine.
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