Being full of fluids when pregnant is uncomfortable and has the potential to possibly be dangerous. After you have checked with your doctor that your health is fine, ask your caring partner to gently do the lymph massage for the parts that are swollen; arms, hands, legs and feet.
And yes it is possible to have similar inflammation problems after pregnancy even if you had no issues during pregnancy, and for an extended length of time. My own inflammation story of which I can't remember now exactly how long I was in pain, effected all my joints. My after pregnancy inflammation of my hands did have me check every time I went to do a complete lift of the child to see if I could actually do it this time. The pain in my hands did have me only once drop, actually an instant simultaneous release of my child back on the mattress as I started to pick him up. The inflammation of the whole body lasted for several months. The worst was from three months post delivery to almost a year.
Bring your partner to your next appointment and I can go over lymph massage techniques with you both. This is easy light touch work. The force is the same as gently pushing a piece of paper across the table.
For instructions on self lymph massage for legs go to this video by Massage by Heather
And this video by Massage by Heather on self lymphatic drainage for the arm. Heather has six videos on self lymph drainage that are easy to follow and very beneficial for reducing the inflammation.
There is also an earlier blog post to have a look at on self lymph drainage massage to relieve the pressure of the sinus when/if you have allergies, cold or flu.
Magnesium is a mineral that we all are deficient in and the resulting effects to the body are various. Inflammation is one result of magnesium deficiency. Check out this blog for more info. Do a little further research and then have a chat with your doctor about magnesium.