I have had one person ask if I could hang the art upside down so that they could enjoy them better when laying on the table. I find that the posters and art are calming and stimulating to my visualization. The posters can give a visiting patient the ability to point out what is the exact point of the problem and to stimulate a question about the type of therapy a poster is about and what would be the better choice(s) of therapy to try.
As much as I like my room, I get people that are in so much discomfort that they don't see or hear anything. They see just the chair they sat in and the inviting table I touched to show them where to lay down and to cover up. Sometimes it can take three visits or more for the room to exist beyond the table and that chair. When we get to that moment of expanded awareness I know that something deeper has changed for the better.
Looking forward to seeing you in my clinic room.
Be Healthy. Stay Healthy. Massage.