Castor Oil is very healing. Unblocks fallopian tubes, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, bloating, and intestinal problems of various kinds. Castor oil is known as the palm of Christ in some countries for what are considered to be miraculous healing. It is a fact that when the tummy is out of sorts the rest of the body is not well. When the gut is healthy, than you are feeling healthy, strong, and maybe even invincible. If you find the written out version of abdominal massage difficult to follow with these instructions try watching this next video. I would be happy to give you a massage and go over this with you. Sometimes receiving the massage makes the visceral anatomy more understandable. This older video on castor oil pack gives a brief explanation of anatomy and another option to store and heat the pack. In the book, The Oil That Heals. A Physician's Successes With Castor Oil Treatments by William A., M.D. McGarey, Dr McGarey recounts his own case histories of healing including ovarian cysts. In the Edgar Cayce readings castor oil was recommended more than 1000 times for a variety of disorders. The book is available to read online at this pdf made available by the Cure Zone I did dedicate myself to one month of castor oil packs to my abdomen (four days with pack, three days no pack). The castor oil packs stopped the bloating in my stomach and made the harder belly fat softer in that lower abdominal section directly above the uterus. Many years later now, I am still not experiencing any bloating. Truly amazing. Post Script November 10, 2014 I noticed a search for my site with key words "tummy rash after castor oil". I would like to advise that the yellow castor oil is what should be used for castor oil packs. The red castor oil, Sulphated Turkey Red or Sulphated Ricinus Communis, will/may cause allergic rashes and more severe irritation to the skin. The red is often used in making soaps and bath oils where when used the oil will be completely rinsed off the skin shortly after use. Please be careful and do not use the red castor oil therapeutically for castor oil packs or full body oil treatments where it is left on the skin for longer periods of time and meant to be penetrating into the skin. A good brand of castor oil is Heritage Store. | First collect all the parts you will need. Have them ready in the place you plan on resting. 1. Castor oil. 2. Flannel (old piece of flannel pillow case or pajama leg will work just fine) folded over to a size to cover the entire abdominal area. 3. Plastic bag the same size to cover the flannel. 4. Heating pad or hot water bottle. You'll have more consistent heat with the electric heating pad. 5. Wheat bag (or magic bag, wonderful for neck tension as well) used as a gentle comforting weight to direct the heat into the body. 6. Medium zip bag. Used to store the castor pack in after each use. Castor pack needs to be refrigerated after each use. 7. Bath towel. Will be used to wrap around the whole ensemble so that you can sit up or move if necessary and also will help stop castor oil from getting on the place you are resting. To start it is a good idea to have a hot bath. It will help your pores of the abdomen be more open to absorb the oil easier. If possible add a cup of epsom salts with the following caution. Caution: DO NOT use epsom salts in the bath if you have an allergy to sulfa drugs. They are related (magnesium sulphate) and you may feel itchy or have a rash or aching of joints and muscles. Use natural sea salts (magnesium chloride) instead. You will feel the smooth slinky feel of the water when you get in the tub. Salt is drying to the skin, so besides the oil to the tummy you will need to moisturize the rest of you body. Pajamas on. Towel is under the mid section of your back. Lay in a comfy space that you will stay in for the next 45 minutes. Cover abdomen with the castor oil. Spread it around. Try not to massage right now, that will come later. Next place in order the flannel, plastic, heating pad and place the wheat bag weight on top. Relax and enjoy the healing warmth seeping into your body. Take this quiet time to do a visualization of your healthy body or do a guided meditation. When the forty five or sixty minutes are up, or that moment you know you feel a bit cooked and done, disassemble and set the pieces aside. The Massage Routine. Clockwise "I Love U" pattern. With your knees up and bent with feet flat, this will give your abdominal muscles room to be massaged, you will now be able to massage in the warm castor oil still sitting on the abdomen. Massage of the Large intestine is in a clockwise direction. The direction the intestine moves its contents. Follow the "I Love U" pattern that follows the large intestine. If you where looking down at your tummy you would start at the lower left drawing the letter " I" up that side in small short segments pushing down towards your leg with each short segment slowly moving higher up towards the edge of the ribs at the chest. Making the letter " L" do the same short segment push starting at the lower left corner and when you get to the ribs move across and below the rib line across to the far right side of the body. And then pull and push all the way along that full letter "L" that was drawn out in segments. Now do the letter "U", again starting at the lower left and working in small segments up, across and then down the right side. Pull up in small segments along this letter U that is now following the whole large intestine. Continue to massage in the clockwise direction from the right side to the left side. To massage the middle section (small intestine, and important acupressure points) massage in small segments with pulling towards the center (belly button) and then down towards pubic bone. The line down the center of your body close to the belly button may be tender. The tenderness is a good indicator that work is very necessary. Be Healthy. Stay Healthy. Massage. |
PHLUFF is an acronym for Personal Hand Lymphatic Undulation Flow Facilitation.![]() A brief summary of her technique can be viewed in this short video on Phluff your Girls and The Happy Breast Book by Cheryl Chapman, therapeutic massage therapist from New Jersey. I have to say I have been doing something similar for years and didn't know it had a name. When I first get up in the morning, before I take the first step, I sit up and do a long side bending stretch to awaken and open up the muscles from shoulder and down. The next move is to place the hand to phluff (gentle bounce) the breast with the action potentially moving the fluids towards the armpit to drain at the axilla and clavicle.
I can always tell which side I slept on the most by the build up of congestion in the breast. The compression of the breast from sleeping and tight muscles from work leave heavy (potential stagnant) congestion that needs to move out so that new healthy circulation can flow. Increase your breast health with massage techniques that encourage the circulation and exchange of fluids that will keep the breast healthy. Be Healthy. Stay Healthy. Massage. ![]() When I work with children I am rewarded with how enjoyable the sessions are. Children respond so quickly. Often falling asleep on the table while I am working. Even the youngest child is able to tell me where I should be working (an infants body will fall into my hands at the exact spot needing assistance), when they feel better, and when the time is up. Most of my sessions with children last under 30 minutes. I do offer a special rate for children. I will work on the child for a minimum of fifteen minutes each session. It is best for the child's body to have three sessions in three consecutive weeks. Depending on the child's need, we may progress to a monthly session, or we may not need to meet again until some other trauma has entered the body. And yes, you the parent/guardian will need to stay with me while I work on your child. The parent/guardian has a very important activity for each session; participating as the child wrangler. Keeping the child safe (little people like to bounce around in unexpected directions) and on the table while we work. If you are interested in learning how to do CranioSacral Therapy for self treatments, I would recommend the book, Harmonizing Your Craniosacral System: Self-Treatments for Improving Your Health by Daniel Agustoni. Just a reminder when working on children that all hold actions are a pull, No compressions. To learn more you can take a course with the Upledger Institute. You do not need to be a massage therapist to take these programs. You do need to know your anatomy. There are a few good videos on you tube to watch. This video features an instructor I had earlier this year explaining a craniosacral therapy session. In the city Mr Mike lives, he is known as the man that can get your baby to poop and to sleep (yes, I have success stories on "poop and sleep" too). Mr Mike video #2 on headaches and migraines and video #3 talks about pediatric and elderly craniosacral therapy. This is a nice video of a craniosacral session with a newborn and Dr. Carol Phillips. New to Canada. The Upledger Institute is offering Mini-Intensive Sessions. March 24-26, 2014 in Calgary. Four therapists will be working on one client. Two hour sessions each day. That is a total of six hours of work. Please refer to site contact for more information. A book you can probably get at the library to have a look at is Working Wonders, Changing Lives with CranioSacral Therapy. A collection of case histories that I find to be truly inspirational stories of how CranioSacral Therapy connects with the bodies potential to self heal given the right support. I do have a copy of this book at the clinic that you can borrow. ![]() With the weekend being so cold, with wind chill into the -40˚C's, I began the 'cookie parade'. They march out of the oven and march into the mouths of the people waiting. The aroma therapy of baking fills the home changing our mood to comfort and peace. There is tactile comfort in the effort of cracking eggs, measuring ingredients, creating the dough and cutting out shapes in traditional angels, men and stars. The aroma, tastes and textures of chocolate rum angels (Joy of Cooking, chocolate icebox cookies), gingerbread men, and cinnamon almond stars, says Christmas to me. I learned someplace a short cut to get a baking aroma in the air by turning on an electric burner on a stove and then turn it off. Sprinkling a small amount of cinnamon on the warm burner will quickly put the aroma of baking in the air. Cinnamon is a stimulating happy smell to calm the mind and lift the mood. Be Healthy. Stay Healthy. Massage. ![]() My clients are truly awesome. And surprising. A unique gift I received (and completely right up my alley of interests and I had no idea such a thing was a thing) are a pair of Himalayan salt foot detox blocks. The instructions say to heat the blocks up in the microwave. I tried them heated. It is nice. I like them unheated. I like the bit of coolness that gently warms with my feet. I like the coolness because I have been on my feet and in shoes all day. I have mine sitting under my desk at home waiting and ready. When I sit here working I have my feet on the blocks. It is truly a most relaxing, refreshing, cleansing and grounding experience. I always sleep peacefully when I have used the blocks in the evening. At one time I used a S.A.D. lamp everyday in the winter months. Now that I take magnesium I no longer have need of the lamp. I feel fine. Magnesium is working for me. I think I was deficient even when I was a child. The changes have been life changing. Have a look at the articles I have written on magnesium. For more information search magnesium deficiency online. |
About The Author Kim Deering, RMTI am a practicing and teaching massage therapist. Index to Health![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Categories
October 2020