When personal anxiety piled on to presentation anxiety I needed a little help.
I used what I learned from the acupressure course, the wrist point and the foot point and then looked up in the book, The Concise Book of Acupoints by John R. Cross, for what else to use and also understand the instinctive actions that I had been witnessing in other people.
The following is my list of calming points to try when anxious, fearful, over-done, and just need five minutes for the calm and peace to come in.
I have used them all and have demonstrated to anxious clients how effective they are when held.
All points may be tender if they need attention. Hold points for two minutes to make a good connection and start the desired action and hold five (or more) minutes longer to keep the calming action active.
Press at the out side base of thumb nail or as in the picture, along the wrist while staying in line with the thumb. To find the thumb nail point, roll your thumb until you find the tender point at the out side base of the nail. Hold for two minutes and feel the calm come in and flow across your chest.
Grasping between the thumb and the index finger. Relax your hand and hold. Nice relaxing hold to calm the stomach and release headaches. This point is not to be used when pregnant.
This is my favourite calming point when I have to talk in front of a crowd.
I have witnessed this point being grabbed. And I am sure you have seen persons just placing a hand across the front of the throat unknowing of their actions that they are holding the calming points.
When I am massaging and pause to hold these points to release muscle tension of the neck and calm the body I have often heard comments that the client feels like they could go to sleep now.
You have seen this move done unconsciously on people trying to settle an emotion. I believe that the body is trying to reach the points to help bring calm in and release the excess emotion off the chest.
Sitting with a heating pad resting over the last ribs is also good. Or use a magic bag (two minutes in the microwave, fifteen minutes on the twelfth ribs). Hands work best to hold this section of points that calm the nervous system.
This point shares the same meridian line as the points on the chest.
When the emotion has progressed into fear and anxiety this point can be held with an air sickness band with the button on the point.
Thank you to everyone that gave their permission and willing allowed me to photograph their favourite calming point in action.
Be Healthy. Stay Healthy. Massage.