Breast Pain May Come From a Few Different Things Happening.
2. Congestion and or inflammation caused by drainage pathways being blocked by tight clothing or a wrong sized compressing bra, tight muscles or inadequate lymph movement from contracted tight muscles. The congestion can be felt as sharp pain and there might be a sensation of itch that is not just dry skin but a sign of tissue being stretched from the inflammation.
3. Injury directly to breast tissue. Trauma to the breast like a hard hit to the breast during sports activities can cause fascial sticking. This pain may feel like a pinch and you may not feel the pain of the restriction until many years later when the breast tissue is loser and hanging or pulling away from the point of impacted fascial restriction.
I have experienced all three types of breast pain. Trigger point pain, congestion and inflammation pain and trauma induced fascial sticking pain.
For me Breast Massage is necessary along with having a fellow massage therapist work out the trigger points of the surrounding muscles of the body twice a month so that there is proper drainage and movement of the fluids of the breast tissue and all the muscles. For more discussion and location of the many trigger points that are causing pain to the breast look at the booklet on this site Your Daily Massage Guide For Breast Health
Breast tissue is delicate and should not be handled in the same way you would massage an arm, back or leg. Apricot oil or grapeseed oil or coconut oil with essential oils makes the massage experience enjoyable.
For Immediate Pain Relief
I have been using a blend I call A4 for years with my clients and myself to help reduce the painful inflammation already occurring in the body, or from a therapeutic massage that can create inflammation and reduce the potential after massage next day pain, and for potential arthritis or inflammation of my own overworked hands.
The Four Essential Oils of the A4 blend are:
Wintergreen and Birch are like adding a topical aspirin. Reduces inflammation and reduces pain.
Clove is an analgesic and antispasmodic that works to reduce pain. You may have heard of people using clove for a tooth ache.
Rosemary is also an analgesic, antispasmodic and a strong warming oil that can burn when used without a carrier oil.
Kim Deering's Breast Massage Oil Blend
For Breast Massage I like the health supporting blend of the following twelve essential oils in a blend of base oils of apricot and grapeseed.
To support the health and movement of lymph, blood and mood:
Geranium, Cypress, and Ylanylang.
For health and protection of skin, lymph and support the elasticity of tissues:
Lavender, Frankincense, and Marjoram
Anticarcinogin properties: Bergamot, Peppermint, and Lemongrass
Reduce fascial restrictions and scar tissue: Sage, Thyme, and Rosemary
This is the Breast Massage routine that is working for me.
Have a look at other articles I have written on breast health and massage.
Massage for the breasts is about taking preventative action to keeping the breasts and the body healthy so that there are no problems developing.
Be Healthy. Stay Healthy. Massage.