The cramping took my by surprise until I figured out that I had not been taking enough magnesium. My usual amount to take is 1000mg. I had fallen to under 300mg. With my activity levels and my age, falling short of my bodies needs is painful.
Magnesium has five main functions in the Body.
1.Relaxing Muscles
2.Transmitting Nerve Signals
3.Synthesizing Protein
4.Producing and transporting Energy
5.Catalyzing most chemical reactions in the body.
Articles about magnesium deficiency and how we all could use just a little bit more make sense to me. Muscle cramps, mental health conditions of anxiety, OCD, depression, ... are all helped with added magnesium.
This is the list of conditions associated with magnesium deficiency.
Acid reflux. Adrenal fatigue. Alzheimer’s disease. Angina. Arrhythmia. Anxiety and panic attacks. Arthritis. Asthma. Atherosclerosis with calcium deposits. Blood clots. Bowel disease. Brain dysfunction. Cancer. Cholesterol elevation. Cystitis. Depression. Toxification. Diabetes. Fatigue. Headaches. Heart disease. Hypertension. Hypoglycemia. Indigestion. Inflammation. Insomnia. Irritable bowel syndrome. Nerve disturbances of burning, muscle weakness, numbness, paralysis and sensitivity, pins-and-needles sensations, seizures and convulsions, twitching, vertigo and confusion.Obstetrical and gynecological problems. Female infertility. Premenstrual syndrome. Dysmenorrhea. Premature contractions. Preeclampsia and eclampsia. Cerebral palsy. Sudden infant death syndrome. Male infertility. Osteoporosis. Parkinson’s disease. Raynaud’s syndrome. Sports injuries. Tooth decay.
This is a short list, there are many more on the long list, of foods that have magnesium; banana, kidney beans, black beans, whole wheat bread, brown rice, lentils, oatmeal, quinoa, chives, fish, dried pitted fruits, spinach and dark chocolate. To check out any foods vitamin and mineral information check this searchable Long List. http://nutritiondata.self.com/foods-000120000000000000000-1.html?
I have often said I can't possibly eat enough foods (beans, greens, nuts, and seeds) to support my bodies needs for magnesium. That is where the supplements are helpful. We need magnesium everyday, and taken at equal intervals (morning, noon, evening and just before bed) during the day. A total of 300 to 400 mg of elemental magnesium is what the body needs every day. Everyone has a body that has different needs. It is an individual experiment to find what works best. You know you need more if you are not experience any changes to your symptoms.
Side effects to having too much of a good thing are not serious as the body will just release the excess similar to when you have too much vitamin C. Maybe you might experience diarrhea or just loose stool.
The nice thing for me about having enough magnesium is I do not crave sweets. And yes you can get just magnesium as liquid and capsules. Highly absorbable is available here at http://drcarolyndean.com/natural-health-resource/
Check out the many interesting articles on the importance of magnesium at these sites. http://science.naturalnews.com/Magnesium.html
A book that you will find to be interesting is, The Magnesium Miracle (c) 2003,2007 by Carolyn Dean, M.D.,N.D. http://www.amazon.ca/The-Magnesium-Miracle-Revised-Updated/dp/034549458X/ref=pd_sim_hpc_5?ie=UTF8&refRID=1BYDPKDEKGD1J8HVT0C1
A free ebook to investigate is, Magnesium in the Central Nervous System (2011) Robert Vink and Mihai Nechifor.
Drinking water with lemon is also helpful to add a little bit more magnesium as well as other health benefits of lemon to reduce inflammation, aide digestion, reduce kidney stones, treat cold and flu, and Meniere's disease.
One more tasty remedy to try for muscle cramps are teas that have Lemongrass in them. Lemon grass is also helpful to treat a cold, fungal infections, stomach aches, digestion issues, spasms, toothaches, rheumatic pain, kills germs, stops flatulence, helps blood to clot, acts as diuretic, increases kidney health, and sedative. http://www.naturalnews.com/033587_lemon_grass_muscle_cramps.html
Read more on my experience with magnesium in this article.