'Kangaroo' a premature baby will allow the child to grow and put on healthy weight, and strengthen the resilience of all the babies systems. The continual 'kangaroo' attachment of holding a child on your chest will connect your heart energy to the child.
Children of every age need that heart to heart connection. Older children may not accept the idea of a long-drawn-out hug but may be accepting of gentle massage of the back, feet or hands and an occasional hug during the day.
Massage of the back is connecting to many acupressure points including the double line of acupressure points following beside the line of the spine that connects to the internal systems of the body. Immune boosting acupressure points on the chest, K27 below the collar bone and close to the breast bone, can be massaged gently; or just hold the chest with the intention that the points and the thymus will be stimulated and visualize that healing flow.
Reflexology of the feet and hands connects to and stimulates the systems of the body.
My son will catch every 'germ-bug' walking around town. Several months ago I began an experiment with my son's feet. Every night I massage his feet with twelve essential oils diluted in massage oil to boost his immune system. It is going well. Yes, he did get sick again. Duration of an illness has become shorter and less severe. I believe the massage is working.
Touch, loving caring healthy touch is healing. Healthy touch with intention, visualization and prayer can be life changing. Daily massage can be very beneficial to boost the immune system.
Be Healthy. Stay Healthy. Massage.