I have tried a few different brands with some interesting and often painful results. When I started my experiment back in December 0f 2014, I liked how my body was responding to this one brand of magnesium. No more pain anywhere in the body and I lost six pounds of inflammation in one week. I told people this is great, you should think about trying it. And then something very bad happened. This wonderful easy to find in every store, working just great formula changed. The label had only one minor colour added with no words to say new formula. I did not know that the minor label colour change meant that there was a formula change. I did recognize within the week that there was something very painfully wrong. Painful inflammation was back in the joints of knees and ankles. I emailed the company and we conversed back and forth four emails. Communication ended with their person suggesting I should see a naturopath. Waste of energy expended and foolishness on my part to think that they would even want to know there was a problem with the new formula. I will tell you what the change that ruined the Webber Naturals magnesium, they took out the all important amino acids, also called the Krebs cycle. I do know of another person locally that has had the same experience with painful inflammation coming back when they tried the Webber Naturals.
Moving forward in my research, I am still learning along with you on this, I started to read about the chelated magnesiums that yes have the all important amino acids. Found this article that gave recommendations for a few different brands with one, Trophic, being produced here in Canada.
Trophic is seriously terrific.
What I like about the Trophic label is that it states the amount of elemental magnesium you receive when you take one tablet of 560 mg, you receive 100 mg of elemental magnesium. What we are needing to count is the elemental magnesium number. We need 300 to 400 mg of elemental magnesium daily.
What I like about chelated magnesium is the absorption into the body is better and that is directly related to the amino acids. There is no diarrhoea. Remember to take your pills one every five hours. One pill in the morning and one before bed is a good way to ease into the routine of magnesium.
What I have heard from people trying the Trophic Magnesium: "It works." "Inflammation is under control." "I am pain free." "No more rushing to the bathroom because I am obviously taking the wrong kind of magnesium."
Read this article to understand magnesium deficiency and what to do.
This is where I like to shop online. Free shipping.
The local health food store does have the Trophic 560 mg magnesium. You can ask for the magnesium that Kim is talking about and they know which one to show you.
Read my other blog articles on magnesium
Be Healthy. Stay Healthy. Massage. And Magnesium.