To make this breast support pillow you need 1 pillow and 4 safety diaper pins.
Locally I have found the package of four safety diaper pins at Extra Foods in the baby supplies section.
Flip the pillow over for use. The pins should be facing down touching the massage table or your bed away from the body.
I folded a pillow over and stitched it to make a smaller but denser pillow that will be at the right supportive height for my head. The added density to the pillow will allow the pillow to not collapse.
I like what I have created for myself, friends and clients/patients of the clinic. When using the breast support pillow I notice that the back is more relaxed and in a more receptive alignment for a massage. There is more comfort to the whole body when there is support pillows. There are health benefits to the breasts and whole body with the reduction in weight loading onto the vulnerable breast tissue when receiving a massage or just when laying prone.
What the clinic critics are saying about the homemade device: "I need this for home." "Nice." "Comfortable." "Relaxing." "Good for when the breast is tender."
If you come in for a massage and want to try out this breast support pillow and I have not placed it on the table, just ask for it or grab the pink pillow out of the stack of pillows next to the cabinet. The green shoulder support pillows should be used with the breast pillow and then a brown pillow for the head creates the right combination of pillows for a most comfortable massage. This is your massage, you should be comfortable.
Be Healthy. Stay Healthy. Massage.