Mosquitoes, and other bitting bugs are here, there and everywhere. It is just what happens during the summer. A couple of summers ago I got a few nasty bites and did not have any After Bite to stop the itch. I had read about tea tree oil as an after bite. My first attempt with straight tea tree oil did not stop the itch for me and the swelling was starting to get hot. I remembered I had a face mask from The Body Shop that has tea tree oil in it. The face mask worked wonderfully. It stopped the itch, took out the swelling and redness. When the mask became flakey, cracked and dry, I wiped it off and reapplied. Using the mask also provided a nice surprise, no red mark from the bite. | The best solution I have found to keep the bugs from biting is a wonderful homeopathic remedy called Mozi-Q. Mozi-Q is available at one of my favourite online retailers and at the Health Food Store and Riverside Drugs here in Drumheller. Watch the story of Mozi-Q on this youtube video to quickly understand how this product was developed and how it works. Read the frequently asked questions at Mozi-Q for more information. If you want to spritz something on, this article, Natural Way to Keep Bugs Away, suggests using essential oils citronella, cedar, eucalyptus, lemongrass, peppermint, basil, geranium and feverfew to stop the bite from happening. I have also found that just lavender and eucalyptus works. Every person is unique and it may take some investigating to find what works for you. Be Healthy. Stay Healthy. Massage. |
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About The Author Kim Deering, RMTI am a practicing and teaching massage therapist. Index to HealthCategories
October 2020