alternative medicine of homeopathy, herbalism, acupuncture, diet and lifestyle counselling.
An Immune Booster Shot Is A Healthy Kick For Your Body's Immune System | Did you know there is an Immune Booster Shot you can get to help you through the cold and flu season? This $35 affordable shot is loaded with good things like echinacea and other good for you homeopathics and is ok for most people. You can get this shot even if you are not a current patient of Dr Stephanie or even if you have had the other flu shot from the pharmacist. |
The question I get asked, what does Dr. Stephanie do? My answer is she can help you with everything or point you in the right direction for what you might need and possibly make you a batch of tea blended just for your issues. Yes, she has a blend of herbs for fertility, blood strenghthening, intestinal issues and a great tea for sore throat. Remember to drink your tea three or four cups daily. Dr. Stephanie is a wonderfully caring person that listens and is supportive to find the right answer for all of your health concerns.
And then the next question is how do I pay for the visit? Naturopathic and Acupuncture visits are covered by most extended healthcare benefits plans. Check what coverage you have with your insurance. You can claim 100% of your Naturopathic cost on Line 330 of your personal tax return. Check with your accountant. Self employed individuals can use a health and welfare trust to tax deduct 100% of their naturopathic visits, acupuncture visits and supplement purchases as a business expense. Check with your accountant for details.
Be Healthy. Stay Healthy. Massage and Naturopathy.