The foot is healing slow, or it seems slow. I'm sure the healing process is really right on schedule. Bones do not heal in two weeks, and neither do deep cuts. Waiting for the scar.
I have been sharing the information for Labour Massage and Obstetric Acupressure since May 2010 when I took a course from a world travelling teacher Debra Betts, author of Essential Guide to Acupuncture in Pregnancy & Childbirth. Using just ten acupressure points can enhance an efficient labour and create a more supportive connection with partner(s).
July 2009 the course titled Massage for the Birth Year was taught to me by Dana Miller who was taught to her from well known Massage Therapist Carol Osborne-Sheets, author of Pre and Perinatal Massage Therapy. This course provided me with advanced information on pregnancy massage and the seven massage techniques for labour that have a significant effect on calming and releasing tension and decrease back labour.
A word about adrenalin. Wonderful stuff when you have to lift a car off someone to save their life. Adrenaline kicks in and you are super-guy. Now you are pregnant and early labour starts and you notice that this is it, today is the day. What may happen is things are going fine and then the surprise and excitement of the labour pains and getting things together and driving yourself to the hospital, ( yes I drove myself, and it was raining sheets that day in Vancouver) the adrenaline kicks in which slows down the labour process and can often stop labour from progressing at a good pace. Massage and Acupressure can help to get things back on track and keep things working at a natural efficient pace.