Two cups of tea with spearmint will help reduce the androgen hormones (male hormones like testosterone) that cause hirsutism (the dreaded female facial whiskers, commonly seen on menopausal women and with poly cystic ovaries syndrome).
Spearmint is also milder than peppermint thereby having a more relaxed effect to calm an upset stomach without making things worse and creating acid reflux.
Medical News Today and WebMD lists a few more good reasons to drink Spearmint tea: help eliminate parasites of the stomach, nausea, diarrhea, upper gastrointestinal tract spasms, irritable bowel syndrome, bile duct and gallbladder swelling, gallstones, indigestion, gas, headache, toothache, cramps, sore throat, colds, cancer, inflammation of respiratory tract, stimulant, germ-killer, local pain-killer, and anti-spasm medication.
As a topical essential oil application it is helpful with swelling inside the mouth, arthritis, local muscle and nerve pain, and skin conditions including pruritus and urticaria.
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