Last fall I created a wonderful massage oil blend of twelve essential oils. This wonderful blend of twelve oils will help boost the immune system to fight the germs we encounter daily.
I have heard a great story. Twelve for Health was massaged into the feet every night by my client that works in an environment that has a high rate of infectious diseases running around. She used it on both her feet and her husband's feet every night and by the end of the season she could say she did not get sick and his athletes foot was gone.
Five other preventative tips I follow to stay healthy this season beyond the usual list of eat right, exercise, drink water, get enough rest, wash your hands often, don't touch your face and cover a cough.
1. Massage feet ever night with Twelve for Health.
2. Drink tea with lemongrass morning and night. I usually have one cup at noon as well. You can drink more and should if you are trying to fight a germ that has invaded your body.
3. Take vitamins with extra vitamin C, D, omegas, and Magnesium.
4. Clean ears with hydrogen peroxide every month and when sinus pressure changes.
5. Sleep with a humidifier that is working and filled and running. The salt air nebulizer that I use kills the air born germs that I have breathed in.